Friday, September 17, 2004

Biscuits of the Day - Gallimaufry and Jazz Shoes

Today's Biscuit of the Day is the word 'Gallimaufry'. According to, the word means a jumble or a hodgepodge. Which means I'm gonna write about a few different topics. :)

As with all women, I'm on an ever constant quest to keep weight off (insert monty python coconut clapping here). In my quest, I have become quite addicted to a game called DDR (Dance Dance Revolution). Yeah, it's pretty geeky, but the game is surprisingly fun and for a white girl, I have rhythm! One of the biggest problems with DDR is that I have extremely small feet (women's size 5) and toes that tend to become dislocated pretty easily. Tennis shoes are not an option, as the DDR home controllers are delicate and tennis shoes tend to rip them. (Not to mention the fact I have to shop in the kids section for shoes and it's near impossible to find shoes w/o glitter or excessive pinkness on them).

Some time and several out of joint toes later, I thought about it and decided I needed to find soft soled dancing shoes. I went to a local dance shop, and after some discussion of my plight, the proprietress hooked me up with some soft leather jazz shoes. Let me tell you, for DDR, those shoes are wonderful! They are light, and the support keeps toes in line. Another plus about jazz shoes is that they are good for yoga and pilates as well as they are extremely flexible (better than the sneakers you see in magazines) and keep you in place for matwork. I figured I would document my experiment on here in case anyone ran into problems similar to mine, or wanted recommendations.

This weekend, I plan to do more blog updates as school and work have slowed down, so there is actually time again to read. I have some subjects queued up that I plan to research this weekend and write articles about.




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