Friday, January 06, 2006

Homeless Chic

Still counting down the days until school begins. This week, my supervisor let me know that my store wants to keep me on as "full-time" part time staff after the season ends. Since the clothing has such a nice discount, my tentative plans maybe keeping the job as a weekend gig and finding another part time position to get more reliable hours during the week.

There has been an interesting new fashion showing in the men's clothing appearing at my store. Apparently, extraordinarily worn and holey jeans are the in thing now. I never have really quite understood the whole Abercrombie "homeless chic" thrift store style. When I was leaving work, I looked in at their front display and saw a line of jeans with enormous holes and even paint stains(!) placed strategically on the pants. Now, I can understand the worn jeans thing as being maybe an expression of individuality since old jeans wear differently over time and tend to mold to the unique lumps and bumps of the person who wears them, but when you flip through the stack of these new "old" jeans, the paint stains and holes are IDENTICAL, like they used a template! Oh boy, I'm going to be an individual, just like everyone else! I told my boyfriend that if one really wanted to be unique and individual, it would be best to dress beautifully in formal tailored clothing like Cary Grant or Audrey Hepburn, have impeccable manners, and take an optimistic view of America, our culture, and the future of the nation. On the other hand, the scruffy fashion has made it easier and kind of fun to guess someone's economic status, as the less well off are more likely to be fresh faced, have immaculately clean and pressed clothing, and neatly trimmed hair than most of the middle or upper middle class customers. And, I can build on a sale of men's jeans by adding our really nice store boxers since the holes in the rear of the pants expose so much underwear.


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