Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Biscuit of the Day - A Blog a Day....

Helps keep the doctor away! This tidbit from Wired discusses the therapeutic side of blogging and how this form of journaling has improved the quality of life for Alzheimer's patients. Apparently, blogging has helped out victims of this debilitating disease by allowing them to record daily events and milestones so they can track their lives and leave records for posterity. The article also stresses the role intellectual activity throughout one's life plays in staving off dementia and other geriatric mental disorders.

Another ongoing case study emphasizing the importance of mental activity to successful aging is the study of the Mankato nuns.

I think this research is absolutely wonderful on two points. #1, it helps dispel the stereotypes of the elderly as stagnant beings and that mental decline is inescapable. #2, it's good to see that blogging is good for you in addition to being fun! (Too few things in life are that way!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the name of God
We know Alzheimer is a kind of disease that cause memory becomes lesser so this patients must use some metods which support memory .I think one way for supporting memory is writing journals because when we want write a journal we must remember our works and it causes the cells of brains work so effects of this disease become lesser.

10:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the name of God
We know Alzheimer is a kind of disease that cause memory becomes lesser so this patients must use some metods which support memory .I think one way for supporting memory is writing journals because when we want write a journal we must remember our works and it causes the cells of brains work so effects of this disease become lesser.

10:49 AM  

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