Wednesday, July 07, 2004


Right now, I'm kicking back with a cuppa spearmint tea! It really quenches the thirst and is cooling, so I can sort of see why Southerners are so fond of their mint juleps. Slowly but surely making progress on the old SE. I found out that its/her name is Loraine. :) No files on the filesystem have been changed later than 1998, so it's kind of like a time capsule and sort of ghostly to see hints of the previous users' lives. I think about all the things that have changed since 1998.

* I graduated high school (class o' 98)
* The rise and fall of the dot com industry
* teeny tiny cell phones everywhere (my nokia from the time is like a brick now)
* looming y2k fears are gone
* broadband everywhere (it was a big deal to have ISDN back then)
* a new president
* teeny tiny laptops
* rise of the SUVs
* lowering of pants' waistbands
* IPO fashionability
* the metamorphosis of Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears (remember how they used to be cute?)

Most of these things revolve around developments in the tech field. I consider myself blessed to have been able to work with and watch some incredible technology rise, become dominant (and sometimes fall). It doesn't seem like it's been 6 years though... Amazing how time flies, huh?

-- Aeryth


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